TUTAJ znajdziecie link do filmiku. A skarpety wyszły tak:
I never thought socks can be made on knitting machine...but I was wrong :) I found movie on YouTube where you can see how to make it. It is easy. HERE you can find this video. And my socks looks like that:
Po bokach wyszły widoczne szwy ale nie przeszkadza to w noszeniu
You can see a sew on the sides, but it doesn't disturb in wearing
Skarpetki zrobiłam z włóczki Lanagold fine Alize w kolorze szarym
I used yarn Lanagold fine Alize in grey color
Ściągacz zrobiłam ręcznie na drutach
I had to finish it by hand
A to skarpety dla Lubego. Z czarnej włóczki którą znalazłam w pudle.
And here are socks for my boyfriend. I made it of some yarn I found in a box.